Safty in Mexico

This is indeed a very touchy subject, and I know many of you parents will be directed here in hopes of setting your minds at ease, or finding more reasons to support your case in deciding not to let your child go to Mexico,,,or yourself or your Spouse. First I must say that there is no way we can guarantee the absolute safety of you or your loved ones, as there is also no way we as parents can guarantee to safety of our Children as we send them off to school every day or into the streets to play or hang out with friends.

We can tell you that the climate here in Ensenada (which is in the Northern region of Baja CA) is safe and it’s an area where people move about freely without worry, well that’s not to say that most of us do take caution in our everyday lives. It’s the type of place where children and teens walk, ride their bikes, or take the bus to school. Shop keeps greet the day by sweeping their store fronts, people wait for the bus to go to work, or if you are like me and my wife, I take my morning ride on my bike and my wife Debbie goes for her 2 mile walk with our dogs.

Often we hear “Well, did you know there is a Travel Warning about going into Mexico?” Yes we are aware of that.

“Millions of U.S. citizens safely visit Mexico each year, including more than 150,000 who cross the border every day for study, tourism or business and at least one million U.S. citizens who live in Mexico.”  My wife and I have 16 years in Mexico and out children lived here for 10 years before they headed off to school. As a family we have encountered more acts of violence on ourselves personaly in the U.S. than we have here in Mexico. At no time have we ever felt threatened crossing the boarder, or traveling to and from the U.S.

“While most victims of violence are Mexican citizens associated with criminal activity, the security situation poses serious risks for U.S. citizens as well.”  

“It is imperative that you understand the risks involved in travel to Mexico and how best to avoid dangerous situations. Common-sense precautions such as visiting only legitimate business and tourist areas during daylight hours, and avoiding areas where criminal activity might occur, can help ensure that travel to Mexico is safe and enjoyable.”   These two quotes work hand in hand as YES, one needs to be aware that violence of intense nature is real and exist here in Mexico and although most of the battles are between Cartel leaders and law enforcement there are times the innocent gets caught in the cross fire, or there are those that come down to capitalize on illegal drug tradeThe key word is Common Sense! Traveling lonely highways or back roads at night might not be the best decision—use Common Sense!

“Targeted TCO ( transnational criminal organization) assassinations continue to take place in Northern Baja California, including the city of Tijuana. You should exercise caution in this area, particularly at night.Yes, most likely you will need to cross the boarder at Tijuana, but you only travel on the main Highway and it routes you around the central part of TJ, so your trip through TJ is only about 10-15 minutes. It is best that as a group you carefully review Maps and everyone understands what to look for and can navigate to the Toll Booths on their own if they get separated. We also recommended, as in this advisory, Cross During Day Time Hours.

For Greater understanding and more information I suggest you follow this link to the State Departments Web site and travel advisory. 

Travel Warning U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE  Bureau of Consular Affairs