Cost and Information

Our cost layout might seem confusing at first, but we have our reasons. While with some organizations you pay a flat rate per person that includes meals we brake up that cost. That way if you choose to eat dinner off site you pay only for that meal that you eat off site. We don’t want to take funds for Food items we will not purchase. We do our best to keep our cost down,  but our facility needs to be ready to operate year round. All funds from paid to towards your Accommodations,  year round operations, and supported ministries. They do not go toward supplementing Missionaries Support.


  • Per night, Per person the cost is $29.00
  • Food, Dinner cooked by out cook  $8.00 per person per dinner meal. Breakfast, $6.00 per person per mean. Lunch, food items must be supplied by the visiting group, and sack lunches prepared daily by the groups as well.
  • Cooks Love Offering, $400.00 per Group for 4 dinner servings (this is for an average group of 15-20, please be aware of the extra work and expenses for groups larger than 20)
  • A non-refundable deposit of $500.00 is required for all Bookings.
  • Please distribute your funds in this way.  Accommodations, please mail to Real Life Ministries, Att. Ensenada Operations, 1741 Eastlake PKWY, Suit 102, PMB1145, Chula Vista, CA 91915. Accommodation fees must be paid prior to, or upon arrival to the LTP facilities. 
  • Food funds for Dinner and Cooks offering, CASH, please. Note that any and all checks brought to us in Mexico will sit for at least 2-3 months before they are are deposited.                                            

Work Project Casitas de Corazon:

  • 12’x24′ House building project (Two Bedroom, One Bath) will cost $7500.00 (due to possible rate increases in Construction supplies, this amount is subject to change) 
  • 12×34 House building project will cost $9000.00 
  • We now offer the possibility of  Complete 24’x24′ in the span of 4 days at the cost of $13,500.00
    2 bedroom, One bath, living/kitchen area)
  • 24’x34′ House Building project will cost $18,500.00 
    3 bedroom, 1 Bath, pantry area, living/kitchen area) 
  • 100% of building materials must be received my mid May. This secures all materials for your project and adjudicate time  for purchasing and supply
    • If your project takes place during the summer months 50% of the material funds need to be received by the first week of May. All summer stock must be ordered, delivered, inventoried and prepared by the first week of June. Your Funds MUST be RECEIVED IN ORDER FOR US TO FUNCTION IN A WAY THAT BEST SERVES YOU AND YOUR GROUP. The balance is due upon your arrival.
    • All house build projects are calculated at the rate of $20.83 per sq’. All tools and supervision, material/tool transportation/ware and tear have been calculated into the overall cost of the project.
  • Gratuities. At times, some team members will receive a blessing in the form of a “Gratuity” from the visiting group. We see that one team member performance might be due to the more silent support of other team members. If you wish to have, and prepare a Love Offering, Please keep in mind that we work as a team, therefore we ask that a gift is prepared for the entire team.

Upgrading the home, the extra gift.

  • It is possible to provide extra upgrades to the home, and often many groups search for additional ways to give something extra to the families. This is a great way to plan ahead and add a little something extra to the new home of the family.
  1. Insulation. At a cost of $700.00, Fiber insulation can be added to the house. We recommend that first the ceiling area is upgraded, then the walls. A 12’x24′ ceiling is 288 sq’ while total home is 864 sq’.
    This would run roughly at $700.00 for a typical 12’x24′.
  2. Solar Power. Many homes are built in areas that do not provide electrical services. A small solar system can be installed that would provide enough power for lights, occasional kitchen appliance, and even a small fridge. Basic unit including Panels, Charge controller, Battery, and inverter will run at $1500.00 (estimated)
  3. Paint and supplies. There is no time to allow for painting, but paint and supplies can be gifted to the family through a local Home Depot Gift card, or take the family shopping which would give them the satisfaction of picking out their favorite colors.
  4. Furniture. Furniture can be purchased here locally, but often it is second hand and it is hard to determine the overall shape, condition and cleanliness. But, again it can be better than what they currently have which is nothing.

For any ideas you might have, please contact us ahead of time to make proper plans. This can also be a great way to get others from your church involved, and you never know, you might find that one person that would be willing to donate the funding or equipment needed for an upgrade.

Do Work Projects:

  • 50% percent of you material funds will need to be received one month prior to your arrival, and the balance upon your arrival. If your project is being planed within that time frame (less than one month) then you will bring those funds with you in form of cash or check, however. You must realize the possibility of down time due to ordering, purchasing, delivery schedules, and availability of materials. 
  • Please give ample time for project request that evolved detailed material estimations and calculations.

 We understand that at times there needs to be a decision made that brings your anticipated trip to an end before it has even started. Cancellations are no fun, but we understand that at times this needs to be done. At times we realize that you might not reach your budget goals, you might not develop the numbers of your team, or you might not feel that current conditions of safety do not meet your standards.

We do ask that all cancellations request and notifications are done so in a timely manor, and that in some cases fees will still need to be charged due to plans, preparations, and work that is done in anticipation of your arrival.
If Cancellations are made within one month prior to you trip (with the exception of Summer Projects. This will apply to any cancellation one month prior to the mid May cut off date)  we will require all material fees to be paid and 50% of your projected accommodation fees.  Please understand that there are lives on this side that we have had to communicate with, we see the excitement as we move forward to provide a blessing, and we feel that is very important to do our part in living up to the arrangements made at the request of you and your team.7.

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